Join me for this powerful 2-hour workshop where you will learn important self-care tools to relieve stress, release past traumas and keep moving forward to the life you truly want to live. Email me with questions! paula @ paularenaye. com.…
The Ugly Truth
Face the Dragon—SELF-HONOR
My BIG Mistakes
Forgotten Parts Heal Broken Hearts
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
What’s WRONG with me???
It’s Tough to be Honest
Inconsequential Coincidence or Profound Message?
While I was in Colorado, my daughter gave me a Netflix subscription. I watched a couple of movies that were okay, but then I discovered there were 80 episodes of the original Star Trek TV series available. Well, woo hoo…
Which came first? The end or the beginning?
A Meltdown I Didn’t See Coming
Do you feel safe?
A lot of people say to me, “Oh, I read your book!” I express my delight then ask if they also did the exercises at the end of each chapter in Living the Life You Love. The response is often,…
Full Moon Release Meditation
Are You Stuck in Your Story?
Six Great Ways to Stay Stuck in Your Story! As we talked about in the last article, Just Make It STOP, when we’re in pain, all we want is to feel better. However, that doesn’t automatically mean we want to…