Just Make It STOP!

When something causes us pain the only thing we want is to make it stop. We want something to make the bad feelings go away and we’ll use whatever works to make that happen. It’s just how we’re wired and…

I tried everything, but nothing changed

I tried everything, but nothing really changed. I tried forcing myself to think differently, but I couldn’t talk myself out of my feelings. I tried healing my body, but my soul’s urgings kept me sick. I tried getting insight from…

You can’t say that! What will they think?

As I was updating my website today, I noticed myself struggling. The words just wouldn’t come. Well, actually they did come, but my mind quickly rejected them. “You can’t say that! What will people think? You just write what people…

THESE grew in THAT! Impossible!

Mondo Mutant Sweet Potato! In the last article, I wrote about how believing can change everything. Well, I didn’t believe these would grow. Didn’t even think about it. Yet, I planted the “seed” (the end of a sweet potato) and…

Interesting Attack on My Book and Me

Congratulations to the Coaching Session Winners  Sharon G., Rick R., Mary E., Sylvia (Serenity)!!! A couple of days ago, I was alerted to a review for Living the Life You Love by a blogger, so I clicked on the link…

Déjà vu from 1992…it’s not pretty

If you know me, you know that I am the proverbial learning sponge and I just can’t get enough. Well, lately, synchronicity has kicked in and things have turned on themselves a bit. I’m going back and rethinking and expanding…

Sometimes You Just Have to Clean Toilets

About ten years ago, I stepped off into an abyss, the likes of which I could never have imagined—and still wouldn’t believe if I didn’t have hard evidence to remind me of it. Like many people, when my 25-year marriage…

When It Rains, It Pours!

What do you think about when you hear the old adage that when it rains, it pours? The only meaning I’ve ever associated with that saying is that when bad things start happening, more bad things just keep pouring in.…

I’ve Lost A Lot of Weight!

I’ve often joked that I lost about 180 pounds after my divorce, but we all know what that means! It was definitely a weight off my shoulders—and my mind—a shedding of the person as well as the idea of what…

Are You a Self-Help Hopper?

Have you seen that ad for DISH Network about “The Hopper,” their satellite receiver and DVR unit? You can record and watch six different things in six different places—including the bathroom. With their magic box, you can keep yourself glued…

Love or Fear? by Steve Nash

This week’s article is from my friend and colleague across the pond, Steve Nash. I’ve written answers to relationship questions from his site and now he’s graciously agreed to write a thought-provoking article for me here about…LOVE. Enjoy! *…

I Have Some ‘Splaining to Do

The last few weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my vision for my life, because, well, things have changed—I’ve changed. I’ve made some significant accomplishments and marked some major milestones in the last couple of years—it’s been…