Yes, it looks like Destin in December is back for 2014! Details coming soon!
Looking for the Colorado 1/2 day workshops? Click here!
Have you ever wished that you and your friends could have your own PRIVATE GROUP WORKSHOP? You can!
Okay, I confess, it wasn’t my idea–clients just kept asking!–and it has turned out to be a great option for all! There are so many insight expanding options for processing friends AND a lot of groups turn it into a mini destination vacation! It’s also a big savings over the regular $897 fee because I charge a flat rate of $2900 for up to 5 participants!
Email me with your details and we’ll work out a workshop that is perfect for YOU!
Do you want things to be different in your life, but
can’t seem to figure out how to make it happen?
Does someone telling you to “just let it go”
make you want to scream?
Has “that manifesting thing” left you in the lurch?
It’s easy to tell someone to just let it go, but it’s never been that simple for me. I mean really, if I could have, I would have already!
So, that means there’s something underneath the situation that needs cleared–and probably in a different way than you’ve ever considered before.
Yes, I’m talking about clearing out things on an energetic level (read more here).
The really great thing about this work is that it really isn’t work. I’ll take you through a step-by-step process to identify and clear what’s been keeping you stuck. And, I’ll even teach you how to do it for yourself when you get home.
In fact, there’s a lot of that in this workshop. You’ll learn tons of techniques that you can use over and over again and even share breakthroughs with others.
I know, it sounds too easy, but please rework that limiting belief! I’ve seen amazing things happen over and over and they will happen for you too–they can’t not!
We’ll have three days to get as much cleared as possible, define what you want to create in your life and map out real-world action steps to get you moving toward it.
Unlike a classroom or seminar setting, this retreat focuses on a very small group of women, and everything we do throughout the weekend is based on your specific needs.
You’ll learn tons of practical techniques, including some powerful ways to release guilt, shame and blame and find authentic acceptance and forgiveness. You’ll learn how to make peace with the pain of the past, clear out the old stuck emotions holding you hostage and map out a plan for a vibrant future filled with purpose, passion and joy!
Powerful & Fast Methods to
Release Stuck Emotions from Mind & Body
You’ll learn my favorite tapping method, “Rant-Release-Revise,” that will show you how to blast through those limiting beliefs and emotional blocks that have been keeping you repeating old dramas even when you know better.
We’ll also use a fabulously quick and effective method to identify emotions that are keeping you stuck and release them–even if they’re from situations you don’t remember, were inherited from your parents or are hanging around from past lives. This is powerful clearing and releasing work!
You’ll learn how to unhook from guilt, shame and blame and make peace through forgiveness and acceptance.
The weekend is all about transformation–yours. You’ll be immersed in clearing your mind, relaxing your body, feeding your soul and transforming your life!
It’s time to find clarity, peace and purpose and start living a life you truly love!
Email me!
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The following is only a general guideline. The workshops are dynamic and flowing to meet the specific needs of the women attending. Energetic clearing and releasing techniques will be used throughout the weekend.
3-6 pm—Arrive and Get to It! You’ll get some worksheets to complete and submit ahead of time that help me customize things for you. During this time, you’ll get a fun little exercise to do all by yourself to start things off. I’m not going to say any more than that, because this is one of my favorite things to do and I’ll say too much! After that, you’ll get a private intuitive reading, energetic clearing and coaching session with me. Then, we are off for some fun!
6-9 pm—Dinner with group discussions, affirming of intentions, exercises for release and relaxation and group meditations.
7-9 am Start the day with easy yoga or walk, breakfast and recap of overnight insights
9 am to Noon & 1-5 pm
- Uncover and release limiting beliefs holding you back.
- Learn how to heal the past with guided insight and energetic techniques to release emotions of anger, guilt, blame, shame, abandonment and betrayal.
- Discover a Litmus Test for Choices and Decisions that will get you on track and keep you there.
- The Big 4 Questions that will help you figure out what you want–and why–and The Dream Distiller to help you get it!
- Reconnect with Lost Parts of Self through guided group work.
- A mini-course in running energy.
- Learn my own simplified tapping approach that helps you process emotions easily and quickly. Use it for anything!
- Create your own Vision Script and learn how to use it for fastest results.
- More self-care techniques you can use over and over!
5-7 pm Dinner and Personal Time
7-9 pm Pull It Together Review insights, shifts and goals. Practice take-home techniques on specific issues. Guided relaxation to empower and rejuvenate.
7-8:30 am—Health Wellness Food Fun
8:30-9:30 am More Practical Take-Home Tips
9:30 am-12 pm—Individual Readings, Energetic Clearings and Coaching Sessions
12-1:00 pm—Success Celebration! Group sharing and transformation affirming!
1:00 pm—Departure
Questions? Email me!